Sexual harassment awareness training (AB 1825 compliant)
"(Jeff) created more than a check box for required training. Our employees look forward to the classes when they know Jeff is presenting." -Gabriela Alvarez, Training & Development Manager
Compliance doesn't have to be boring! We offer sexual harassment training that is engaging, relevant, and fun! Your employees will love it because the class focuses on real-world situations. You'll love our class too because the workshop meets all the requirements of California’s law (AB 1825) and all our facilitators exceed the standards required for a qualified trainer.
Anyone who supervises employees.
The workshop is two hours long and can be offered in a classroom setting or via web-conference. Each format meets California's requirements for this training:
- The workshops are two hours long
- Allmandatory content is included
- The class is highly interactive
This workshop engages participants by focusing primarily on real workplace situations. Class discussions include appropriate workplace behavior,ways supervisors can prevent workplace harassment, and how to handle a harassment complaint. The following topics are covered:
- Reasons it is important to prevent sexual harassment
- The definition of sexual harassment (along with examples)
- Your company’s sexual harassment policy
- The boundaries of appropriate workplace behavior
- The role of a supervisor in preventing sexual harassment
Here are just a few comments from participants:
- “You made it fun as well as informative. Great job and not boring!!!”
- “I can’t believe so much laughter came out of a sexual harassment class!”
- “Information received provided the class with different ways to think about sexual harassment.”
- “Good job at relating class to company policy. Great instructors.”
- “The content was awesome and incredibly valuable!”
Need more information?
Please contact Jeff Toister at 619-955-7946 or with any questions about scheduling a sexual harassment awareness workshop.