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Leadership Development

Toister Performance Solutions can help you develop the leadership your organization needs to bridge the gap between desired performance and what your employees are actually doing.

Leadership development has never been more necessary. A survey conducted by the American Society for Training and Development found that a lack of managerial and supervisory skills was the largest skills gap faced by U.S. employers. Another report released by and I4CP discovered that 47% of new supervisors receive no formal training.

Our leadership development services are listed below or you can check out our supervisor toolkits. Call us at 619-955-7946 or email us to schedule a free consultation.

Our Leadership Development Training Programs

  • High Performance Management: Maximize your team's performance.
  • Getting Started as a Supervisor: Basic skills training for new supervisors.
  • Hire Right!: Interviewing Skills Training.
  • High Performance Evaluations: Write and deliver effective performance evaluations.
  • Sexual Harassment Awareness: Compliant with California's AB1825 law.
  • Train-the-Trainer: Learn how to quickly develop your employees' skills.

    Call us at 619-955-7946 or email us to schedule a free consultation.