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Managing Within the Law

You want your leaders to focus on the business, but complex employment laws make it difficult to steer clear of thorny legal issues.  The Managing Within the Law workshop helps participants learn how to make business decisions that are in the best interests of your organization.  The focus is on practical application, not legal technicalities, so your employees will gain actionable ideas that can be put to use immediately.

Anyone who supervisors other employees.


  • Half-day (four hours)
  • Lunch and learn (up to four one-hour sessions)

We take a simple approach to align the workshop with your business needs.

  1. Partner with you to identify your top employment law challenges.
  2. Create discussion scenarios that reflect realistic situations from your workplace.
  3. Facilitate the workshop with a representative of your Human Resources department present to offer both independent guidance and corporate policy.

Here are just a few comments from participants who have attended the Managing Within the Law workshop:

  • “I learned that when in doubt, call HR!”
  • “Learned lots of new info – lots of great examples.”
  • “Terrific presentation.  It was very informative and the interaction was great.”
  • “These are skills I will use every day when dealing with my employees.”
  • “Great class!  It clarified many things about legal issues in the workplace.”

Schedule a Class
Contact Jeff Toister at 619-955-7946 or to schedule your workshop.

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