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Customer Service Vision

How can you reach your goals if you don't know where you are going?

Delivering world-class customer service starts with clearly defining what outstanding service looks like. This is often referred to as a customer service vision, and without it you can't give your employees clear direction.

There are three hallmarks of a strong customer service vision for a company, team, or individual:

  1. The definition is simple and easily understood
  2. It describes the type of service we want to achieve for our customers
  3. It reflects both who we are now and who we aspire to be in the future

How to develop a Customer Service Vision
It generally takes three steps:

  1. Gather input from employees.
  2. Assemble a small team to write the vision (it takes just two hours with a skilled facilitator).
  3. Share the new vision with all employees to gain buy-in.

 Download the Customer Service Vision worksheet to try creating one yourself or Contact Jeff Toister for a free consultation.