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Customer Service Idea Bank > Building Relationships > Check your email before sending

We all need a little reinforcement from time to time. The Customer Service Idea Bank can help reinforce your customer service skills in three ways.

1. Search. Use the search box to look for a specific tip or technique.
2. Browse. Click on one of the three categories to find an idea that resonates with you.
3. Email. Enter your email at the top of the screen to receive a weekly tip via email.

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Customer service emails are frequently misunderstood, misconstrued, or simply miss the mark. Here's a simple checklist you can use to review your own emails before sending. You won't use this for every email, but try using it with a few until you get the hang of it.

  • Tone: Does the tone of the email sound friendly?
  • Readability: Does the email include appropriate grammar, punctuation, and spelling?
  • Action-oriented: Did you state the purpose of the email in the first paragraph?
  • Helpfulness: Does provide additional information the recipient is likely to need?
  • Image: Is the email professionally written?


Last updated on August 22, 2012 by Jeff Toister