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Customer Service Idea Bank > Building Relationships > "Preferential" Treatment

We all need a little reinforcement from time to time. The Customer Service Idea Bank can help reinforce your customer service skills in three ways.

1. Search. Use the search box to look for a specific tip or technique.
2. Browse. Click on one of the three categories to find an idea that resonates with you.
3. Email. Enter your email at the top of the screen to receive a weekly tip via email.

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Repeat customers like to be acknowledged. One way to do this is by learning their preferences and incorporating them into your service.

For example, I often eat breakfast at a local diner. Kathy, one of the servers, typically asks me, "Do you need to see a menu today or will you have the usual?" It makes me feel valued to know Kathy remembers my order, but I also appreciate her asking just in case.

What do you know about your repeat customers that you can use to provide even better service?


Last updated on January 25, 2010 by Jeff Toister