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Customer Service Idea Bank > Building Relationships > Serve one customer at a time

We all need a little reinforcement from time to time. The Customer Service Idea Bank can help reinforce your customer service skills in three ways.

1. Search. Use the search box to look for a specific tip or technique.
2. Browse. Click on one of the three categories to find an idea that resonates with you.
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A colleague of mine once said, "You can only serve one customer at a time."

Those words have always stayed with me. There are times when we all get busy, but each customer deserves our full focus and attention. "Busy" is never a valid excuse for poor service.

Here are some examples:

  • Remember to smile and make eye contact, even when you feel the pressure of a long line.
  • You may have answered the same question 1,000 times, but this is the first time this particular person is asking it.
  • Block out distractions and listen intently. You never know when you'll uncover an opportunity to deliver outstanding service!

Last updated on June 7, 2010 by Jeff Toister