Customer Service Idea Bank > Solving Problems > Be the point person
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It's amazing how many customer service problems occur because everyone assumes everyone else is doing their job correctly. If I take a call from a customer who really needs some information from my co-worker Mary, I might be tempted to assume my work is done once I give Mary the message, "Customer A called with a question with you."
This is true if Mary calls the customer back right away and provide the answer. But what if she doesn't call? Customer A spoke with me, not Mary, so it would be my fault. Or worse, Customer A will blame all of us.
A better approach that prevents problems is to accept responsibility and be the "point person" for your customer. This can work a number of ways, but all of them result in you ensuring the customer is taken care of.
Example 1: Get the answer from Mary and call the customer back yourself.
Example 2: Do a warm hand-off. This involves making sure Mary knows you've passed the customer along to her and the customer knows Mary will be responding to his question.
Last updated on January 25, 2010 by Jeff Toister