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AT&T is like a psycho ex-girlfriend

I received a Hallmark card in the mail this week. It was in a plain blue envelope with no return address. Hmmmm. I opened it up to see this:

Inside, the card read: "Sometimes you just know when it's over." Below that was a paragraph droning on about how awesome AT&T's U-verse service is.

Uh, AT&T? I don't think you really do know when it's over. I mean, we broke up years ago.I repeatedly told your customer service rep, "It's not me, it's you." Your poor customer service, shady billing practices (I believe the term is "slamming"), and your unwillingness to meet me halfway when you changed my long distance plan without telling me all became too much.

For awhile, there was a little strangeness if we saw each other around town, but eventually I thought we both got over it. Now, you're sending me a card trying to get me to dump my current telecommunications provider. What's next? Will you start calling at 1 in the morning and hanging up? Will you drive down my cul-de-sac, hoping to see me in the front yard, and make up some lame excuse about "just driving by"?

C'mon AT&T! It's over. Lose my address. Lose my phone number. Move on. (I have.)


Reader Comments (2)

I could not agree more, and, you legitamately made me guffaw! The only case of ex-girlfriend stalking that is worse is DirecTv...they will not stop calling me and I have told them no less than 12 times that I am DONE with them...a restraining order is in order, no doubt. They have, hands down, the WORST customer service I have ever experienced anywhere and at anytime in my life. I'd like to hear your thoughts on DirecTv and if you've heard of similar stalking episodes and poor service experiences with them...good luck with the drive-by's, I recommend you add another lock to your front door.

February 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRob Cartwright

I'm glad you enjoyed the post, Rob!

I haven't had any personal experience with DirecTv, but your comment sparked my curiosity, so I did a little research. Check out this site: Get Satisfaction

You'll find quite the list of upset customers. Get Satisfaction is a customer community that allows people to help each other with customer service issues, so you may get some ideas.

February 9, 2009 | Registered CommenterJeff Toister

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