Customer Service Idea Bank > Building Relationships (14 entries)
Make a lasting impressing by connecting with your customers and building rapport.
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Anyone can start a conversation with a customer using the Five Question Technique! Here's how it works: Step 1 : Think of five questions you might use to initiate ...
Dale Carnegie once remarked that the sweetest sound to a person is the sound of his or her own name. Calling customers by name (and helping them learn yours) is a ...
Customers will sometimes mention something off-hand that you can later use to build rapport. For example, someone might mention they are about to go on vacation. Using the "friendly follow-up", you ...
Repeat customers like to be acknowledged. One way to do this is by learning their preferences and incorporating them into your service. For example, I often eat breakfast at ...
We create a first impression everytime we answer the phone, but that doesn't mean we always put our best foot forward. Technically, the phone is an interruption for those ...
Chris Zane, founder of Zane's Cycles, made his company famous for customer service by focusing on each customer's Lifetime Value. He calculated that customers spent an average of $12,500 at his ...
The 10 and 5 rule is famous in the hospitality industry as a simple reminder to consistently greet people that you encounter. When customers are 10 ...
A colleague of mine once said, "You can only serve one customer at a time." Those words have always stayed with me. There are times when we all get ...
You work with customers because you are good with people and have a great personality, right? Resist the temptation to let your personality get buried beneath the pressures of following policies, ...
When I was in high school I worked as a retail sales associate in a clothing store. This experience taught me the importance of making the first move when helping customers. ...
Have you ever heard a customer service rep say, "I'm sorry", but you felt she wasn't sorry at all? This could be because her body language and tone didn't convey the ...
Try to use the word "we" instead of "they" when discussing your company with a customer. Why? Your customer naturally thinks of you and your company ...
Customer service emails are frequently misunderstood, misconstrued, or simply miss the mark. Here's a simple checklist you can use to review your own emails before sending. You won't use this for ...
Customer service professionals who excel at building rapport with their customers are masters at finding something they have in common with each person they serve. Common ground allows us to break ...